It’s been a while since I’ve worked from home, but the air conditioning is on here, and, well, it’s hot in the office. Besides, I was a bad girl and didn’t do my laundry earlier this week, so I’m working from home in my pajamas – at least until the dryer finishes. I think maybe I’ve finally washed through all the clothes I was just barely getting into before, because the loads really are much smaller now that I have so little that fits and I’m essentially forced to do laundry weekly.
I suppose there are advantages to having a very limited wardrobe. At least until you wake up and realize that – unlike when you’re just having a bad clothes day and don’t feel like wearing anything you’ve got – there’s really absolutely nothing to wear.
Today I’m 16 weeks pregnant. I guess I should start feeling the baby move any day now, but I haven’t yet…well, at least I don’t think I have…