Yeah, so, tell me again why I’ve chosen to share my house with dogs…?
Destructo-Boy did something so naughty that I can’t even bring myself to write about it in any sort of amusing little news flash. Let’s just say, my sheepy-faced drop spindle and a bobbin for my spinning wheel are now missing chunks of their wooden selves. The yarn on each of those appears to be mostly intact, but may or may not be salvageable – I haven’t had the heart to look that closely.
The dining room gate, which he has learned how to open, was replaced tonight. Of course, I’m not sure I can even open the new one, but as far as I’m concerned, I don’t really care, as long as the dogs stay out of the living room where my wool and spinning wheel live. He’s been sneaking into that room for weeks now, which was sort of cute, because he didn’t destroy anything, just carried around skeins of yarn like they were puppies. Now it’s not so cute.