Just Breathe

I went to a prenatal yoga session at Breathe Yoga yesterday afternoon. I’ve never done any sort of yoga before, but it really was relaxing. I just had to keep reminding myself to breathe…otherwise, I’d forget while I tried to figure out what else I was supposed to be doing. It’s not a miracle cure, but I think if I keep going it will help with some of the new and exciting back problems I’ve started to experience.

According to the instructor, there are some poses where the baby will be really active. I haven’t been able to feel anything that’s definitely the baby since those three nights I blogged about last week. There are things I think might be, but nothing I can really be sure about. (I’m not too worried yet about the lack of distinct motion, since you’re really not supposed to be able to keep track until about 28 weeks.) I certainly didn’t feel the baby during yoga yesterday, but I think it was because I was concentrating so much on keeping my balance and breathing. Maybe next time…