Be Kind To Your Web-Footed Friends…

…for a duck may be somebody’s mother…

Oh, sorry, those lyrics to Stars & Stripes Forever will forever be ingrained in my head. Too many cartoons when I was little or something…

Our outdoor concert last night went, well, ok. It went from gray and rainy to pleasant and sunny just in time, and it really was a nice night to be playing outdoors. The performance wasn’t the best we’ve ever done, though. It’s hard to hear each other and balance when you’re sitting in the great outdoors. I did make it through both Sousa marches we played without hyperventilating, though!

I’m a little sad – I won’t be playing again for several months. Band doesn’t start for the next season until late September, for the holiday concert. Somehow I think I’ll be a little busy for most of those rehearsals. If I’m feeling up to it, though, I’m going to try to go back for the spring concert, since rehearsals for that start in late January. (Of course, in the interim I’ll be practicing on my own so I don’t lose my chops, really I will…)

Quick Baby Note: Today marks 20 weeks of being pregnant. If you go by the standard 40 weeks (which can be off by 2 in either direction) I’m halfway there! Oh, dear…there’s still an awful lot to do before the baby comes…