For such tiny little people, babies sure need a lot of stuff! We started registering last night…I say started, because despite the fact that I “prepared”, the number of choices we had to make was overwhelming! We’re going to go back and work on it over the weekend. Hopefully no one will find the registry before then, because there are things that we’ll probably change.
We did manage to pick out a bedding set, though. (The colors aren’t all that accurate in those pictures.) The room is essentially going to be sage green, lilac, and white, with a little pink and yellow, too. I really like this one, because most of the girly-pink sets are really, really pink. Blindingly so. Of course, we’re hoping that the ultrasound technician was right, because it’s definitely going to be a feminine room!
Tomorrow I will be 24 weeks pregnant – 6 months. Technically, you’re pregnant for 10 months, or 40 weeks. I guess the third trimester starts around 25-28 weeks, depending on who you talk to. Confused yet? Just don’t think about it too much. Anyway, the baby has been pretty active for the past two weeks – she just had to get big enough so I could feel all the little somersaults going on in there. It’s the neatest feeling, and it totally distracts me from whatever I’m doing at the time. According to various sources, the baby should be around 12 inches long and 1 1/2 pounds. Boy, does she have a lot of growing left to do in the next 16 weeks!
Oh, and I’ve been knitting, and I’ve finished some things. I really need to update the craft pages soon…