Is It Naptime Yet?

I don’t know where the past week went. (For that matter, I’m not sure where July went.) I’m just sleepy. Really, truly, awfully sleepy. Apparently, that’s normal for the third trimester, which is about where I am now – depending on which book you read, it starts anywhere from week 24 to week 29, and I’ll be 27 weeks on Friday. Only problem is, I can’t find the time to take a nap – and even if I could, I don’t nap well. I wake up feeling cranky and headachy, and just generally worse than I felt before I took the nap. (I should really work on that so that I can nap when the baby does…)

I’m sitting here at work, watching the baby have hiccoughs. It’s very odd to see your belly moving all by itself. She really doesn’t like it when I put my laptop on my belly – she kicks at it until I move it. Actually, I’m pretty sure I’m growing the princess from the princess and the pea story in there – if I lay down at night and there’s a wrinkle in my pajamas or the sheets underneath my belly, she kicks that spot until I smooth everything out. I mean, it’s not as though there isn’t an awful lot of padding there. Should I be worried about how well she’ll deal with sleeping in her own pajamas on her own sheets in a few months? Hmm, maybe I should really work on my napping abilities…