Twinkle, Twinkle

See? Proof that I’ve been knitting! This star sweater was a gift for my cousin’s 1-month-old, D.J. Of course, I was aiming for the 1-2 year-old size, but I think it might fit him until he’s 4!

I’ve actually been in a bit of a knitting slump lately. I have two projects I’m trying to finish up, then I think I probably need to put sleeves on Rosebud. (Remember Rosebud? It’s been sitting in a corner for several weeks, I guess I’m ready to forgive it for not coming out the way I’d envisioned.) The problem is, I don’t really feel like working on any of it…and I’m not sure I even feel like working on any new things, either. I guess it’s just because I’m so hot all the time now. Even in air conditioning, I still feel too hot to knit. Hopefully I’ll still manage to knit something for my baby!