Comments Are Welcome!

Not that they weren’t before, of course. It’s just that I’ve installed the new version of MT-Blacklist, so I theoretically no longer need to moderate comments to control the massive amounts of comment spam I receive every day. Which is a good thing, because I hate moderating comments. (Don’t worry, I was only moderating, not censoring – comments that weren’t trying to sell male enhancement products, encourage online gambling or other such things inappropriate to this blog were posted without changes.)

Things that will still be moderated: comments on posts older than 14 days, comments which contain 5 or more links, and comments which are exact duplicates of other comments. And any comments which contain links to sites I have banned will just be outright rejected. Fair enough? (Even if it’s not, it is my blog after all!)

Oh, and on the knitting front, the pieces of the orange cabled hoodie are blocking as I type. Hopefully, tomorrow I’ll be able to get started on the hood, and then all that’s left will be seaming!

One thought on “Comments Are Welcome!

  • August 26, 2004 at 7:11 am

    I know what you mean! My comments haven’t been spammed, but boy, did my tagboard. Since we use our own server and software, Matt was able to write some protection (and knock on wood), it seems to be working. I guess the comments are next. I just can’t believe spamming old comments actually works… I think it’s more just to annoy us rather than sell products.
    Can’t wait to see the baby sweater!!!!

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