The Mighty Dif Has Failed…

But really, it’s not the Dif’s fault. It’s the horrible, evil people* who put up wallpaper without priming the f-ing wallboard first! Yeah, see, once the wallpaper glue and the top layer of wallboard fuse together, there isn’t anything in the entire universe that will part them. Wallboard = glorified paper. Paper + glue = a permanent bond. Therefore, wallboard + glue = a permanent bond. It’s not that hard, people!

Thankfully, Jenny and Aaron had planned to come over to help paint and instead spent the day helping us sand most of the glue off and spackle over the rough patches. Good thing, too, or I probably would have spent the entire day sitting in the middle of the nursery floor crying. I don’t handle unexpected problems very well lately.

At the moment, the walls seem to be somewhat smooth. There are a couple of places we’ll probably re-spackle in the morning. With any luck, though, we’ll actually get to prime the walls tomorrow…two coats, since you’re supposed to “spot prime any patched areas” first. Well, that’s two entire walls, so spot priming probably doesn’t make much sense!

*Yes, I truly believe they are evil. I also believe they were the builders/contractors/whatever who built this entire housing development, because no sane homeowner would actually do something that stupid in their own house. (Plus, this happened in my parents’ house, too, which was built by the same people.)

It Must Be Fall…

News flash: the local ice cream place, Papa Jack’s, is once again serving pumpkin ice cream! This rare and wonderful delicacy only appears for a limited time each year. As a pregnant woman, it is of course my duty to consume as much ice cream as my poor squashed stomach can handle. If you see me headed for the ice cream parlor, don’t get in my way – it could be dangerous! (And please, hold the pickles…they really don’t go well with pumpkin ice cream.)

Doggie Nirvana

The fence is done! Even though the lattice isn’t up under the deck yet, we decided to go ahead and let the dogs run free in the backyard. Oh, my. Murphy was running full tilt around and around, ears streaming out from his head, and Molly was exploring every single fence board to make sure it didn’t harbor any stray C.A.T.s.

I was worried enough about making sure that they didn’t run under the deck (it’s anywhere from 4 to 5 1/2 feet clearance off the ground, and there isn’t a fence on the other side) that I didn’t bring out my camera, but I will definitely have to get some chase pictures this weekend. Molly-of-the-bad-hips was chasing Murphy as though her life depended on catching him. Just imagine a blur of black followed by a blur of gold, and you’ve got your pictures.

Now the dogs are totally exhausted. Even the word “food” can hardly get more than an ear twitch response. A tired puppy is a good puppy!