Not Fair!

I figured out part of the reason I’ve been so bummed these past couple of days. The Rhinebeck festival is this weekend. Now, I knew months ago that there was really no way I’d be able to go this year, but still…it’s a little depressing to read about all the other knitting bloggers headed off to play with the sheepies while I’m stuck at home. Never mind that I still have a mountain of wool I haven’t spun that I bought last year – it’s all because Murphy chewed one of my drop spindles and the other one is cracked, and I need a new drive band for my spinning wheel, honest! (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.)

Ah, well. Next year, right? The pumpkin baby can come along – she’ll need to start her fiber education early, after all! Maybe by next year I’ll have put a dent in my fiber stash, even, so I can justify buying more!