October 1st

I can hardly believe it’s October finally – or is it October already? Assuming she doesn’t decide to make herself too comfy in there, the pumpkin baby will arrive sometime this month! (Knock wood, please, that she arrives this month, because I really want to meet her!)

Denis is just starting the second color of paint in the nursery tonight. It’s so pretty! Jenny and Aaron came over to help us with the top color Wednesday, so hopefully we’ll be to the trim-painting part by Sunday, when my cousins are coming to help out. (I really, truly appreciate all the help everyone is giving us, since I’m not allowed to do these things myself!) This means that by next weekend we should be able to set up the crib and dresser and start washing and putting away baby clothes.

Can I just ask, though: how on earth do those teeny tiny socks a) fit a human being and b) not get lost in the washer or dryer? I can barely reach to the bottom of the washer to fish out my own socks – I’m going to have to get a pair of tongs or something to get to these itty bitty things. Or maybe I’ll go buy a lingerie bag for them. (This is one of those practical things they don’t tell you about in baby books.)

2 thoughts on “October 1st

  • October 2, 2004 at 12:57 am

    Yes, baby socks do fit. And yes, they tend to get lost. I bought all white,so they were interchangeable. Wait until the baby learns how to pull them off. Usually they only pull ONE off, when you’re not looking, and then they perform magic, because it disappears. I know it’s magic, because both my son and daughter were not even crawling, and ONE sock would be gone, POOF!

  • October 2, 2004 at 2:18 am

    ha! keeping track of baby socks is a lost cause. the best thing to do is to get a lot that match each other so the orphans can team up as a pair. i can’t think of a single day this week when henry actually had two socks on for more than 2 hours or so. most of the day he spends with just one sock on.

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