Sleep, Glorious Sleep!

I’m almost afraid to blog about this – I might jinx things – but for two nights in a row now, Carolyn has slept from 10:30 to 5:30. Seven whole hours! I’m sure it’s not permanent, but I’m grateful for it – I almost feel human after having that much sleep.

Good thing I got that much sleep, too. It enabled me to keep a level head when I brought the dogs in from running around the backyard and Murphy had ripped one of his nails off. Have I ever mentioned how squeamish I am? Blood is not my friend. And I had none of the bleeding stopper stuff you’re supposed to have when you have dogs. Fortunately, my parents did, so Murphy’s in his crate right now where I can keep an eye on him, but it looks like the bleeding stopped. Being a stay-at-home mom is tough work!