
Forgive me knitters, for I have strayed. It has been three weeks since I last knit…

Tonight, I finally picked up the needles again. My mom came over to play with the baby and watch a movie, and I found my hands empty and myself still awake, and a movie – a real, live movie! – was on the TV. I picked up the ladybug sweater, which thankfully was at a somewhat mindless point, and mindlessly knit for an hour. It took a few minutes to get back into the rhythm of things again, but I guess knitting is like riding a bike.

Oh, did I mention that I naively took my knitting with me to the hospital? For some reason, I thought I’d have the time or energy to knit while I was in labor (hah!) or even maybe after Carolyn was born, but before we left the hospital. Silly me! Anyway, it’s a very good thing that the items I’m working on for her are for next fall or even after, because I don’t foresee having much knitting time in the very near future.