In the past two days I’ve taken over 100 pictures of Carolyn and the dogs. (Digital cameras are a wonderful thing!) I needed good pictures for the Christmas cards, and we’re giving some of our family members a picture of Carolyn as part of their gift.
This is the picture I’m using for the gift photo:
What do you think, should I become a freelance photographer? Just kidding…it took about 40 shots to get this one, and then I had to fix up the color balance in photoshop when I was done. Apparently pink and lavender are hard for the camera sensor to deal with…which is too bad, since all of her clothes are pink and lavender!
I’ll post the Christmas photos after I’m sure most people have gotten the card. Those came out really well, too. The dogs weren’t so cooperative for the first try, when Denis was helping me. In fact, we really didn’t get one good picture out of that, so I did it on my own this morning. Both dogs. In the living room, where they don’t get to go normally. With silly hats. They were remarkably well-behaved and I got a few workable pictures. Here are a few out-takes from the first time. Molly is much better at posing for pictures than Murphy is…