…to look a little bit like Christmas around here!
Remember my list of things to do? I’ve made my gift list and checked it twice, and today I put in a gigantic order through Amazon for about 75% of the gifts. (I love the internet!) I think I can get the rest of the shopping done this week. (I think I can, I think I can…) If I can just have everything wrapped up and under the decorated tree in my nice clean house before my birthday next Sunday, I’ll feel like things are under control. (Note that this requires cleaning the house, too…)
We’re going to go look at some artificial trees tonight. I’m not sure I want one, but it might be the best option at this point. If we don’t find a reasonably priced nice one, though, we’ll just have to get a real tree tomorrow. And I’m going to get out the candles for the windows and the train set for the mantel tonight. The neighbors are going to think we’re Grinches if we don’t start decorating soon!