Dear Carolyn,
You’re already another month older?!? How’d that happen so fast? You’ve changed so much in the past three months – it’s hard to see the changes every day, but looking back to those first few days it’s very clear.
For one thing, you outgrew your first batch of clothes. I’ll admit I was a little sad to put them away, but maybe someday you’ll have a little sister who can wear them. I’d guess you’re about 12 pounds now, and probably at least two feet tall. We don’t go back to your doctor until next month, so I won’t know until then.
You’ve really figured out how to hold your head up. Actually, you’ve been right on track or even early with everything you should be able to do, except roll from front to back. That’s my fault, since I don’t give you tummy time every single day. Sorry about that – I’ll try to do better this month!
We tell stories every day. I start the story: “Once upon a time, there was a sweet little girl named Carolyn, and everybody agreed she was the cutest baby ever, in all the land.” You go on to tell me about baby princess Carolyn’s latest adventures. Most of them involve a lot of giggling and (ah-)goo, but they’re different every time. For some reason your best story-telling position is standing or sitting on my tummy.
One of your favorite toys at the moment is Snuggle Puppy, who lives in your carseat and has her very own song – not to be confused with the actual Snuggle Puppy song we sing to you. You also have a turtle with a mirror in its tummy that you really like. For that matter, any mirror is a favorite, because you love to play and flirt with the baby in the mirror. The baby in the computer (pictures of you) is good for a smile or two, but isn’t nearly as interactive. Oh, and I think your absolute favorite toys right now are your hands. They are apparently endlessly fascinating and extremely tasty!
You are such a good-natured baby. You smile and giggle all the time. When you are upset, you’re at least very cute about it – your little bottom lip sticks out before you really get going, so I can usually distract you from being unhappy before you actually get there. Actually, you’ve managed to completely master pouting already, because you’re just that smart.
I can’t wait to see what the next weeks and months bring – you’re becoming such a fun person to spend each day with! Being a mom is like becoming a child again…I get to see all the wonderful things this world holds through your eyes now. Things as simple as the room suddenly getting dark because I turned off the lights, or the way the light streams through your curtains in the morning become magical because you see them that way. Thanks for picking me to be your mom.
Love, Mommy