I Baptize You…

Dear Carolyn,

Today you were baptized. You looked like a little angel in your dress – which was my dress when I was a baby. My godmother made the dress for me, and I had it cleaned and altered it a little to fit you. Your godparents are Kathy and Everett.

You didn’t cry at all during the ceremony. Well, you fussed a little in the beginning of mass because you were hungry, but after hitting the bottle you slept through the rest of it – the water didn’t wake you up, and neither did the handful of chrism the deacon smeared on your head. (You do smell nice, but he put a lot on!) You finally woke up when the choir started singing the last hymn, though…

Afterwards, we had a nice little party with all of our family, and you were passed around and held by just about everyone. All of your little cousins were running around the parish center, having lots of fun. Just think, the next time we all get together you’ll be mobile too! I’ll have to get your dress cleaned again before I put it away – you managed to spit up all over it right before the end of the party. All in all, I think it was a good way to spend your 12-week birthday.

Love, Mommy.