A Random Collection of Thoughts

I’m feeling totally random tonight.

Tonight’s the third night in a row Carrie has gone to bed at 10! (And hopefully she’ll sleep until 6:30 or 7 again like she did for the last two nights.) I’m finally feeling like a good parent, now that she has a somewhat consistent bedtime. Plus she wakes up so much more smiley (I didn’t think that was possible), so she obviously needed more of a routine. She’s also starting the night out in her cradle, and only moving into our bed the first time she fusses. Not that I don’t love having her all snuggled in bed with us, but you wouldn’t believe how much room she takes up. If I could only draw cartoons…picture a baby spread-eagle in the middle of a queen-sized bed with the parents hanging on for dear life on either edge of the bed, and that’s what it’s like to share a bed with a baby.

Yesterday was my youngest brother’s 20th birthday. Not that I forgot, I just didn’t remember to actually blog about it. Happy Birthday, Michael! (Of course, the fact that he just turned 20 makes me feel really old.)

Somehow I managed to, while shopping for a pacifier medicine dispenser that cost less than three dollars, find enough stuff to qualify for the free shipping when you spend $75. Because, you know, that’s so much cheaper than actually paying for the shipping for the three dollar item. I should not be allowed to shop online. (But I can’t wait to get this box. So many fun baby things!)

There’s nothing more fun than kissing a baby’s tummy and having her giggle and grab chunks of your hair so you won’t pull away.

That’s probably enough randomness for the night. Maybe tomorrow, if the stars align properly and Carolyn’s naps are long enough to shower, dress and eat with time left over, I’ll take a picture of my scarf-in-progress. It’s kind of slow going, because I rarely have time to do more than a couple rows a day, but it’s so pretty.