Drum Roll, Please

Oh. My. God.

I went to the first band rehearsal last night. I haven’t played since the June concert. (And when I say I haven’t played, I mean all of the valves on my horn were stuck from disuse!) Despite this, the other horn players threw the first horn parts on my stand. Guess what we’re playing? No, really, guess!

John Williams – Saving Private Ryan and a medley including the Star Wars theme. Michael Kamen – Band of Brothers theme. The first movement of The Planets.

I have been waiting all of my horn-playing life to play the first horn part of the Star Wars theme. And all of the music has fantastic horn parts. Better than any I’ve ever played.


(You knew there was a “but”, right?)

The concert is the same night as the (mandatory) orchestra sound probe rehearsal for the musical. Ack. I have to see if I can get out of that, because I have been waiting my whole entire life to play John Williams’ music in a concert! Maybe they really won’t need the piano at that rehearsal? Or for the whole rehearsal? Wish me luck…

Birthday Wishes

Today is Denis’ 30th birthday! (I can’t gloat too much, because I only have 11 more months before I turn 30…)

We’re going out for hibachi at the Japanese restaurant tonight. Hopefully Carolyn will enjoy it and not be scared by all the fire and stuff. And then we’ll go to my parents’ house and for the third time in four days we’ll have cake. I never thought I’d say this, but…I’m kind of getting tired of cake…

Oh, well.

Happy Birthday, Denis!

I Baptize You…

Dear Carolyn,

Today you were baptized. You looked like a little angel in your dress – which was my dress when I was a baby. My godmother made the dress for me, and I had it cleaned and altered it a little to fit you. Your godparents are Kathy and Everett.

You didn’t cry at all during the ceremony. Well, you fussed a little in the beginning of mass because you were hungry, but after hitting the bottle you slept through the rest of it – the water didn’t wake you up, and neither did the handful of chrism the deacon smeared on your head. (You do smell nice, but he put a lot on!) You finally woke up when the choir started singing the last hymn, though…

Afterwards, we had a nice little party with all of our family, and you were passed around and held by just about everyone. All of your little cousins were running around the parish center, having lots of fun. Just think, the next time we all get together you’ll be mobile too! I’ll have to get your dress cleaned again before I put it away – you managed to spit up all over it right before the end of the party. All in all, I think it was a good way to spend your 12-week birthday.

Love, Mommy.

Chuck E. Cheese

Where a 30-year-old can be a kid! Since Denis’ family is up for Carrie’s baptism tomorrow, we had a surprise birthday party for him at Chuck E. Cheese’s tonight. Where else could 10 adults go with 9 kids and not be thought of as disruptive? It was a blast, despite the fact that we scheduled it before we knew the Jets were going to play that evening. The manager was kind enough to keep our table updated about the game at regular intervals, though.

Our party hostess managed to find and light 30 candles for the cake, and Denis was a really good sport about having to give Chuck E. Cheese a big birthday hug – which I got on video! Carrie even managed well, despite it being very loud and crazy.

The only bad thing was that we ended up leaving with lots of tokens, because it was so crowded we didn’t get to play too many games. Oh, well, it just means we’ll have to go back on a weeknight or something and play Skee-ball until we can’t stand it anymore.

And Now, Your Moment Of Zen…

As sad as it is, we generally only watch the news via The Daily Show. Don’t get me wrong, we do actually read the actual news on the internet, too, we just don’t watch news programs on TV. Anyway, I’ve taken to calling Carolyn’s binky “and now, your moment of zen” when I give it to her.

Does that make me a total geek? Is Carolyn doomed because she has such a goofy mom? She’s probably going to pretend she doesn’t know who I am when I wave to her in front of all her cool friends…

What A Hassle

Am I the only one who thinks that the plastic wrap companies should go back to their old style of cutters? I hate the “no hassle”, “easy to use”, “we don’t want to get sued by someone cutting their finger” slide cutters they’ve switched to. I waste more plastic wrap because it gets bunched up under the cutter and then I have to let go of it to un-bunch it, and then the rest of it clings to itself. It takes 10 times longer to wrap anything.

Maybe I’m just not smart enough to use them.

I May Be Going Too Far…

Now that Carolyn’s room is almost done, I’ve been shopping for accessories. She needs a bookcase, and a place to put her toys, and right now this is the most likely candidate. (Yes, it’s bit more than I’d normally spend, but it’s perfect in every way. And it takes the place of both a toy box and a bookcase, which together would add up to close to that anyhow. Like how I justify these things?)

I’m also looking for something to play music on in her room – a small boombox that plays CDs, or even better mp3 CDs. Why is it, though, that every other appliance in the world – blenders, toasters, cameras, phones, etc. – come in pretty colors like pink, but CD players just come in basic black? I don’t want to put an ugly black stereo in my little girl’s pastel room. Even white would be better, but I can’t find anything that’s white, either. I did find a Disney Princess themed CD player, but it’s twice as much as a regular black one and it has very mixed reviews on amazon. (It’s a little worrisome when more than one reviewer mentions the CD player part of the unit not working after a few months.)

It’s not as though this is a life-or-death decision here. Sometimes I wonder why I’m bothering – especially since it’s not like Carolyn knows or cares what her CD player should look like. Ah, well. It’s the curse of being a detail-oriented person, I guess.

Further Knitting Confessions

It’s been six months since I bought any yarn at all. Yes, you read that right, six entire months! This was not an intentional yarn-buying ban or anything. I didn’t buy any yarn in August, and then I went on bed-rest at the beginning of September, and I didn’t buy any yarn online (although I looked at plenty). Then Carolyn was born, and I haven’t been to a yarn shop since.

So today I rewarded myself with two skeins of Manos in a pretty striated blue for a scarf.

Next weekend if I have time during all the baptism preparations, or the weekend after if I don’t, I’m going to bring Carrie to my favorite yarn store and buy yarn for a sweater I’ve been longing to make for her. Of course, I promise I’ll finish the ladybug sweater first. Honest.


Well, they don’t quite fit like they used to, but my jeans fit again! Yippee! After having worn pretty much nothing but black stretchy maternity pants for the past 9 months, it’s kind of strange to look down and see blue. Strange, but wonderful.

Anything Goes

I’m probably crazy, but I agreed to accompany the high school musical this year. They’re doing Anything Goes, which I’ve never actually seen. I’ve been immersing myself in the music for days now, listening to the CDs and playing through the accompaniment book. I even put De-Lovely on my Netflix list.

Carolyn is going to accompany me to a lot of rehearsals over the next three months. She’ll either really love theater when she gets older or really hate the whole concept – and she may not even know why. I have to be totally insane to have agreed to this, though. I mean, what if I’m in the middle of playing a song and she totally freaks out? Or gets hungry? Or…? (Not to mention that some of this music is kind of hard, and my practice time is somewhat limited at the moment.)

Oh, well. I’m just going to have to trust that it will work out. And bring lots of fun, quiet toys…