Since I have rehearsal tomorrow night, we decided to go out to dinner tonight. This was the first time Denis and I have gone out together without the baby – granted, she’s been away from both of us before, but that’s just been for transition times between when I have to leave for rehearsal and when Denis gets home from work. (Living next door to family has lots of advantages!)
It’s not like I was worried about her – she and my mom get along quite well – and I didn’t exactly miss her, because we were only gone for a little more than an hour, but I was very conscious of the fact that she wasn’t there. It’s amazing how last year at this time I didn’t even know she existed (I was just barely pregnant but didn’t know it yet) and now I am acutely aware of her presence at all times.
The baby books I’ve read all say how important it is for the parents to go out together without the baby on a regular basis and – and this is the funny part – not talk about the baby at all. Yeah, right. That would be like going to a party with a pink elephant in the middle of the room and everybody pretending it wasn’t there. It’s not as though we spent our entire meal talking about Carolyn, but she’s a pretty big part of our lives, so of course her name came up once or twice. Ah, well, I guess that’s just further proof that we’re the worst parents ever, since we can’t stop talking about our fabulous baby for even an hour!
(Notice that I can’t even write a blog post without mentioning her at least once, either? Yep, worst mom ever.)