Here is an entirely different pooh outfit – this one isn’t cursed. This was a pseudo-hand-me-down from Carrie’s cousin Michelle. (It still had the tags on, so I don’t think it really counts as a hand-me-down, does it?) I’m not sure why I like this outfit so much, but I do. Of course, we make all the required jokes about what might be in her Pooh pants.
The quilt she’s laying on is her tummy-time quilt, and it was made by my great-grandmother for my youngest brother 20 years ago. Aside from the fact that it’s generally got quite a bit of dog fur on it, it looks pretty darn good for being 20 years old. No, the dog fur isn’t 20 years old, and yes, I wash it regularly. Dog fur is just a fact of life in this house. If exposure to allergens during childhood helps prevent allergies, Carolyn is going to have an anti-allergy to dogs. That will be one of her super powers. (The other, of course, being extreme cuteness.)

(Is it pathetic that I coordinate her toys with her clothes for pictures sometimes?)