Since I have rehearsal tomorrow night, we decided to go out to dinner tonight. This was the first time Denis and I have gone out together without the baby – granted, she’s been away from both of us before, but that’s just been for transition times between when I have to leave for rehearsal and when Denis gets home from work. (Living next door to family has lots of advantages!)
It’s not like I was worried about her – she and my mom get along quite well – and I didn’t exactly miss her, because we were only gone for a little more than an hour, but I was very conscious of the fact that she wasn’t there. It’s amazing how last year at this time I didn’t even know she existed (I was just barely pregnant but didn’t know it yet) and now I am acutely aware of her presence at all times.
The baby books I’ve read all say how important it is for the parents to go out together without the baby on a regular basis and – and this is the funny part – not talk about the baby at all. Yeah, right. That would be like going to a party with a pink elephant in the middle of the room and everybody pretending it wasn’t there. It’s not as though we spent our entire meal talking about Carolyn, but she’s a pretty big part of our lives, so of course her name came up once or twice. Ah, well, I guess that’s just further proof that we’re the worst parents ever, since we can’t stop talking about our fabulous baby for even an hour!
(Notice that I can’t even write a blog post without mentioning her at least once, either? Yep, worst mom ever.)
I can understand how you can’t resist talking about her, she really is the cutest baby ever! she’s going to be a total heartbreaker give or take 15 years!
Ahhh, I think its ok to talk about your kid(s) and miss them when they are not there. Its also ok to feel the other way LOL….
My baby is 20 now and one one side I wish he would get out of the house, on the other side I fear he will get out of the house, so there.
Its best to have fun with whatever is your pink elephant and enjoy! You can only gain so much wisdom from books. We all know that a baby completely changes your relationship to your partner, it will not stay the same, so what? Its going to be different, hopefully better than before. You can’t love too much :)