A Day In The Life

A few people (hopefully nobody who reads this blog) have suggested that as a stay-at-home mom, having all sorts of “free time”, I ought to be doing ______ (fill in the blank). I think they assume that I sit in front of the television and eat bon-bons all day. (Oh, wait, that’s what I’m supposed to be doing?) Anyway, after one such conversation, my self esteem plummeted, and I ate several Dove dark chocolate eggs while awaiting notification that I’d won the “World’s Worst Wife and Mother” award.

So, I decided to track a day in my life to see what I actually do. After seeing it all written down, I can’t imagine why I don’t have time to do the things various people think I ought to be doing. All sarcasm aside, if my parents didn’t live next door I’d be in very sorry shape right now.

If you want to see all the stuff I did today, read on…

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