As a young child – maybe 6 or 7 years old – I distinctly remember understanding what “not to be removed under penalty of law” meant, but not knowing what a “consumer” was. So I was horrified when the tag came off of my new mattress while I was, um, just looking at it. Really, I didn’t touch it at all! I hid it, and for months I was afraid that the police were going to come and arrest me and my parents.

Those tags are all over baby items, and I’m pretty lazy about removing them. (Plus I still have this nagging fear, even if I am the consumer, that I might get arrested for it.) Carolyn, however, obviously has the consumer part down pat. We have a cloth book and a very small blanket that are covered with tags meant for her enjoyment, but she’ll have nothing to do with them. Tags she’s not supposed to eat? They’re apparently quite tasty!