Food, Glorious Food

We introduced Carrie to pears yesterday. (Carrie, meet Pears. Pears, meet Carrie.) I think it would be fair to say that she absolutely loves them. This afternoon, I mixed two tablespoons of pears with a tablespoon and a half of rice cereal and maybe an ounce of milk. I totally expected to toss half of it when we were done, but I was too lazy to put some in another bowl for tomorrow. Well, we were practically scraping the bottom of the bowl by the end of her meal!

I have to confess, I tasted it – Denis thinks that’s weird because it’s my milk…but then again, what’s weirder: my milk or milk from some cow I’ve never met? – and I can totally see why she couldn’t get enough. It was pretty tasty. (Have I totally grossed everyone out yet?)

Anyway, it’s pears and rice for a couple more days, then either sweet potatoes or apples since I have both on hand. Or carrots, although I think I’ll save those for later. And then on to…bananas? Squash?

Actually, at one point I was trying to figure out what order to have her try new things in, and I was tempted to do it alphabetically: apples, bananas, carrots, dates, eggplant, fennel, grapes, horseradish, ice cream, jerusalem artichokes, kale, lima beans, mandarin organes, nectarines, olives, pears, quince, red peppers, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, uniq fruit, vegetables, watermelon, ‘xtra tasty berries, yellow squash, zucchini. My mom, my cousin and I had a lot of fun brainstorming that list. We couldn’t think of any produce that starts with ‘I’, ‘V’ or ‘X’, though. And no, I’m not really going to give my 6-month-old horseradish, there’s no need to call CPS.