More Food

Sweet potatoes weren’t such a big hit tonight. Although, once I mixed them with some rice cereal and milk Carrie was a little more receptive. Maybe they’re just too strong a flavor for her little taste buds? It wasn’t a total rejection, I just think she was shocked at the new taste. And maybe it was initially a bit thicker than it should have been. That’s the only downside to making my own baby food – it’s a guessing game about how thick to make it.

We’re leaving Carrie with my parents tomorrow for several hours to go take an infant CPR class, and I think we’ll leave them her beloved pears instead of making them deal with a sticky orange mess!

(I’m really nervous about the CPR class. I know it’s important, but thinking about all the scary things that can happen to a baby is going to be hard. I’d better bring some tissues…)

One thought on “More Food

  • April 23, 2005 at 2:48 pm

    Way to go! More parents should take the time to learn infant CPR, etc. It’s so different from adults. My husband was not so thrilled, but when our son was 2 1/2 and choked on pizza cheese, he sure was glad he’d gone. Pat yourself on the back for being a great mom! (and I’m impressed that you take the time to make baby food).

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