“Solid” Beginnings

20050410_cereal.jpgCarolyn had her first taste of rice cereal today. It was pretty watery – essentially I gave her rice-flavored milk with a spoon. I followed a suggestion I had read to mix 1 tablespoon of cereal with 4 tablespoons of milk, but I stopped after I mixed in 3 tablespoons of milk because it was so very liquid I didn’t think it would stay on the spoon!

She made a few funny faces at first, but she didn’t spit it out. There was a slight crusty coating of dried rice on her clothes – especially her socks – when we were done though, because she had a fantastic time grabbing for the spoon, and usually got the part that was supposed to end up in her mouth.

Tomorrow I think I’ll make it a bit thicker. And maybe put the tray on the high chair – that might prevent her socks from getting all sticky!

Going, Going, Gone

Anything Goes is done! It was fantastic! I skipped out on the cast party though – I think I’m getting too old to stay out that late… Besides, the fewer adults there, the happier the kids will be, I’m sure!

I’m so touched by all the little gifties I got from the directors and the cast. I’m really going to miss the kids – and a lot of them were seniors, so even if they ask me back next year I won’t see them again. I don’t think I could take being a teacher, because I became quite fond of them over three months of rehearsals – a year of daily classes and I’d get really attached.

Now I think I need to go rest my hands. We did the show twice today, so my fingers are tired!

Just In Time

A new Apple Store is going to open in the mall near me. And not a moment too soon…look:


That’s not an Apple computer she’s using!

My parents and I don’t see eye-to-eye on the whole issue of computer platforms. They blame Denis for the fact that I prefer Apple to Microsoft. Not only did I marry a man who practices a different computer “religion”, I converted to it! I’d like to think that I would have seen the light eventually anyway. They claim we promised to raise the kids PC, but I don’t recall anything about that in our wedding vows. They’re going to try to win Carrie over to the dark side, so it’s even more important that she be exposed to all the goodness and light the Apple Store will bring.

Anything Goes!

The show was fantastic tonight! I love being in the orchestra, I love being on the other side of it all. Don’t get me wrong – in high school I was absolutely in love with the acting and singing part, but this is way better. I am so pumped right now, I can’t imagine how I’m going to get to bed tonight.

One show down, three to go.

(Oh, and Denis and Carolyn both survived her very first bedtime without me. I’m not sure whether to be happy or sad about that…)

What’s A Mom To Do?

This morning I joined the local chapter of MOMS Club. I was really nervous about going to the meeting, because it feels like it’s been a long time since I last made new friends, and my life has completely changed since then anyway. I mean, I never really thought I defined myself by my career, but in answer to the question “what do you do?” I would say “I am a software engineer”. Now I say “I am a Mom”, and people (although not generally other moms) look at me as if to say “no, really, what do you do?”

But my worries were completely unnecessary, as everyone there was really nice. (Besides, they’re all generally stay-at-home-moms too, so the question of what anyone does never came up.) The best part was that there was a woman there with a little girl just a few weeks older than Carrie, and we were both thinking that the other looked really familiar – it turns out we went to high school together! How neat to think our daughters will be going to school together.

Carrie had a blast, too! She loved looking at the other babies and children, and smiled for everyone. Oh, and there was a little girl there, also named Sarah, who was enthralled by my curly hair and wanted to touch it. Very cute.

Anyway, I think it will be a good group to get into, even if Carrie’s a bit too young for the field trips and such. Besides, it doesn’t all have to be about her, right? After all, it is the MOMS club!

Under Penalty Of Law

As a young child – maybe 6 or 7 years old – I distinctly remember understanding what “not to be removed under penalty of law” meant, but not knowing what a “consumer” was. So I was horrified when the tag came off of my new mattress while I was, um, just looking at it. Really, I didn’t touch it at all! I hid it, and for months I was afraid that the police were going to come and arrest me and my parents.


Those tags are all over baby items, and I’m pretty lazy about removing them. (Plus I still have this nagging fear, even if I am the consumer, that I might get arrested for it.) Carolyn, however, obviously has the consumer part down pat. We have a cloth book and a very small blanket that are covered with tags meant for her enjoyment, but she’ll have nothing to do with them. Tags she’s not supposed to eat? They’re apparently quite tasty!

Because This Week Isn’t Busy Enough

The weekend after Carolyn was born, Denis bought me Myst IV: Revelation. I haven’t started it yet – actually, I haven’t even opened it yet. But tonight I don’t feel like knitting or reading before bed, so I think I’ll go ahead and load it.

The question is, do I have enough self-control to just install the game and not actually start playing it? Or maybe start a game but not stay up too late playing? Hmm…


I don’t know if it’s just the weather or an actual cold (I don’t have time to be sick, therefore I’m not) but I have so much icky drainage I feel awful today. Plus it’s been a rainy, cold, gray day. Not very inspiring.

We had a great few days with Denis’ parents – Carolyn loves her Nana and Poppy – and yesterday we went to a first birthday party (which I didn’t finish the blanket in time for), and today…today I barely found the energy to get dressed, let alone do anything else that needed doing. I’m going into the week of the musical with no milk or bread, no clean clothes, and no energy. Oh joy.

It can only get better, right?