An Open Letter To My Neighbors

Warning: this post has a number of references to donkey kicking. I don’t normally use such harsh language, but I do feel quite strongly about this subject. If you are offended by donkey kicking, feel free to click away. You could go read about why Grover is bitter.

Dear Neighbors,

We all get along really, really well. Our neighborhood is generally very nice and peaceful. However, as the parent of a young child, it has recently come to my attention that many of you do not have children, or have not had young children for many years. I can only assume that either you are not aware of – or have forgotten – what it is like to have a small child. So, I’d like to put forth the following suggestions:

  • If you blast loud music in your open car sitting out in your driveway after my baby has gone to bed, and it wakes her up, I will kick your ass.
  • If your visitors, upon leaving your house after my baby has gone to bed, honk their car horns as they pull out of your driveway and it wakes her up, I will kick your ass.
  • If you rev your car/lawnmower/ATV/motorcycle engine loud enough to be heard three counties away and it wakes my baby up, I will kick your ass.
  • If you fire off illegal firecrackers or fireworks on any night except the Fourth of July and wake my baby up, I will kick your ass.
  • If you cause my dogs to bark by walking your dog past my house after my baby has gone to bed and it wakes her up, I will not kick your ass. Since you are a much more conscientious dog owner than I am because you actually walk your dog, you can have mine. For free!

As you can see, these really are not hard rules to follow, all you have to do is be considerate of the fact that even though it does stay light quite late these days, my baby still needs to go to bed at a reasonable hour. Although I do truly enjoy rocking my baby to sleep, I don’t enjoy doing it several times every evening, or even worse: rocking her to sleep only to have her awakened the very moment I am tucking her in.

I am willing to compromise about the ass-kicking. Perhaps the offending party could come and rock my baby back to sleep for me? Or, really, I’m not above bribery – cash or dark chocolate might do the trick.

Thank you for your consideration,
Your loving neighbor
(…who is contemplating moving way out into the country, or at least somewhere cold enough to keep the windows shut all the time…)

Memorial Day

Hm, I think we’ve done our civic duty this long weekend…

We opened the pool.
We grilled – for three days straight. (I think I need to eat nothing but salad for the next three weeks.)
We did not, unfortunately, see a parade – everyone thought it would be too noisy for Carrie. Maybe next year!

Weighty Issues

You know, keeping my room clean would be a lot easier if I didn’t have everything from a size 8 to a size 18 (there, yes, I said it) stuffed in every possible shelf and drawer.

Seriously, I have a double dresser all to myself, a huge armoire that is way more than half mine, and the lion’s share of the (tiny) walk-in closet, and I can’t put the clothes that I actually wear away – they’ve been living in a neatly folded pile in the middle of the room. How pathetic is that?

I’ve decided that the easiest way to lose weight (and keep my room clean) is to get rid of all of the clothes I own that are too small. Murphy’s law says that once I get rid of them I’ll need them, so I may as well put it to the test. Besides, what better way is there to celebrate losing weight than going out and buying nice new clothes?

So I’m parting with a lot of stuff (some of which is really hard to part with so it may hide in a box somewhere for a little while) and then I just need to work on the whole weight loss thing. You would think with the amount of time I spend running after Carrie and hauling her around that I’d be super skinny by now. Ah, well. I guess I’d just settle for being in shape…

But honestly, I’m not going to obsess over numbers on the scale or on the tags for my clothes, I’d just like to have clothes that fit me (size and style) and that fit into my storage space.

Grasping At Straws

We went to Friendly’s for lunch today, and although I packed everything Carrie needed to eat (oatmeal and applesauce, bibs, spoons and wet wipes) I forgot to put her sippy cup in the diaper bag. It’s not as though she ever drinks very much water anyway, but I do like to give her some water to drink after eating because I think it’s a healthy habit to get into.

So I asked for a children’s cup of water (no ice) with a straw. I figured it was worth a try. She got it on the first attempt. It was kind of a big straw, so she got way more water than she could swallow and ended up spitting it out everywhere, but then she managed to get another couple of sips in. She took to it like drinking from a straw was the most natural thing ever.

We went grocery shopping after and I bought her a straw cup meant for 2+ years. She can drink from that so much easier than her sippy cup I’m not sure we’ll bother with the sippies from now on. At least I know if I get stuck in a restaurant without her cup she’ll be able to drink from a straw.

And I think she’s finally grasping the concept of games. She now hides for peek-a-boo. I had her in her high chair with her bib on and she pulled the bottom up so it covered her face for a couple of seconds then lowered it, and when she did it a second time I caught on and said “peek-a-boo!” and she started giggling and did it again. Definitely genius material, don’t you think?


Carrie tried oatmeal today. As with everything else she’s tried, she was more than happy to eat it. It’s not that I want her to not like something, but I’m amazed that she seems to like everything. I guess it’s time to get a little more adventurous with trying new foods? I really ought to make up some sort of schedule or plan, because at the rate we’re going she’ll be trying new foods until she’s 27 years old.

Oh, and while we were at my grandparents’ house Carrie finally figured out how to get a piece of puffed rice cereal off of her tray and into her mouth. She still thinks I might be trying to poison her (at least, that’s what it looked like when she made her funny face) but it apparently tasted good enough to do it a couple of more times.

Home Again, Finally!

We just couldn’t make it home yesterday, we were all so tired. Fortunately my grandparents live in Ithaca, so we crashed there for the night. They were thrilled to see Carrie, so it worked out all around.

While we were visiting after Carrie when to bed, my grandpa taught me how to play poker (I’ve never really been into cards enough to learn) and I cleaned everyone out. Probably just beginner’s luck, but at least now I know how to play.

I am just very glad to finally be home again. The puppies are glad we’re home too!

We’re Not Dead Yet!

spamalot.jpg(Although, based on how much sleep I actually got last night, I feel like maybe I should be…)

Spamalot! was fantastic! I think I can honestly say it’s the funniest musical I’ve ever seen, and possibly ever will see. We had front row balcony seats, which were wonderful, and we got to see the entire cast. (I was a little worried that since it was just a Tuesday show some of the bigger stars might not actually perform.)

My absolute favorite songs/scenes were “The Song That Goes Like This” and the part that spoofed Fiddler on the Roof. Oh, but the whole show was gloriously funny and I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes Monty Python humor.

We went out to dinner after and generally had a great adult evening out. It was nice to walk around Times Square again – it’s been a couple of years since we’ve actually made it into Manhattan while visiting Denis’ family.

Apparently, Carrie didn’t enjoy the evening quite so much. Bedtime without Mommy or Daddy was a little stressful, and by the time we got home a little after 11 she was one very unhappy baby. She didn’t settle down until about 1:30, and then was up at 6:15 for the day. So I got 4 hours of sleep because I didn’t manage to get into bed until a little after 2. Ugh. And we get to drive 7 hours today. Can anyone say “naptime”?

Seven Months Old!

Dear Carolyn,

Time is just flying by – you’re already seven months old! You’ve changed so much in the past month I hardly know where to start…

You crawl now, everywhere and on every surface. You’ve learned to sit on your own. It’s the cutest thing ever – you get up on your hands and feet and then push off with your hands so your butt plops down on the floor. And you pull up on everything taller than you, and even some things that aren’t. Unlike when I was a baby, you figured out on your own how to get down from a standing position pretty gracefully. Nothing is safe anymore, though, because there’s very little that’s now out of your reach!

We’re still breastfeeding several times a day, but you’re also eating two meals of solids a day. You really love peas – hopefully you’ll still like them when you’re older – and you really haven’t disliked anything you’ve tried so far: rice, pears, sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, carrots and peas. You’re happiest when I give you a spoon of your own and let you feed yourself a bit. (I still have to actually put the food on the spoon for you, though!)

Just recently we bought you the LeapFrog learning table, which has become one of your favorite things to play with. Not only does it make lots of music, but you can practice standing up while playing with it! You’re also really into balls and blocks, but mostly to chew on. No teeth yet, but I’m sure they’ll come soon enough.

You’re back into saying “ah-boo” a lot. I’m still trying to get you to say “mama”, but you’re not interested at all. You do play the “so big” game, though – I ask “how big is Carrie?” and you put your arms up when I say “so big!” It’s pretty darn cute!

It’s still a lot of fun being your mama, but it’s a lot more work now that you’re so busy exploring everything! I hardly get to sit down except when you’re sleeping. It’s so worth it, though, when I pick you up and you put your arms around my neck and snuggle up to me. Of course, three seconds later you want to get back down and keep playing, but I’ll take what I can get!

Love, Mommy

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 6th wedding anniversary. We’re didn’t really do much to celebrate, since we’re going to see Spamalot! on Tuesday. But we did spend the day with Carrie and two of our nieces:

That’s enough to make anyone smile.

Are We There Yet?

I used to get terribly carsick on rides with my family, but I thought I’d grown out of it. Nope. Apparently, the backseat is a really bad place for me to be in a car, and especially behind the driver. Carrie’s new carseat is behind the passenger seat, and since we had to drive for several hours I sat in the back with her. The first few hours were smooth sailing, but when we hit traffic and it was stop and go for two straight hours I really thought I was going to lose my lunch.

(And Denis wants to drive to Florida next summer when we go on our big family vacation. I think I may have to stock up on Dramamine or something…)