Dear Carolyn,
Time is just flying by – you’re already seven months old! You’ve changed so much in the past month I hardly know where to start…

You crawl now, everywhere and on every surface. You’ve learned to sit on your own. It’s the cutest thing ever – you get up on your hands and feet and then push off with your hands so your butt plops down on the floor. And you pull up on everything taller than you, and even some things that aren’t. Unlike when I was a baby, you figured out on your own how to get down from a standing position pretty gracefully. Nothing is safe anymore, though, because there’s very little that’s now out of your reach!
We’re still breastfeeding several times a day, but you’re also eating two meals of solids a day. You really love peas – hopefully you’ll still like them when you’re older – and you really haven’t disliked anything you’ve tried so far: rice, pears, sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, carrots and peas. You’re happiest when I give you a spoon of your own and let you feed yourself a bit. (I still have to actually put the food on the spoon for you, though!)
Just recently we bought you the LeapFrog learning table, which has become one of your favorite things to play with. Not only does it make lots of music, but you can practice standing up while playing with it! You’re also really into balls and blocks, but mostly to chew on. No teeth yet, but I’m sure they’ll come soon enough.
You’re back into saying “ah-boo” a lot. I’m still trying to get you to say “mama”, but you’re not interested at all. You do play the “so big” game, though – I ask “how big is Carrie?” and you put your arms up when I say “so big!” It’s pretty darn cute!
It’s still a lot of fun being your mama, but it’s a lot more work now that you’re so busy exploring everything! I hardly get to sit down except when you’re sleeping. It’s so worth it, though, when I pick you up and you put your arms around my neck and snuggle up to me. Of course, three seconds later you want to get back down and keep playing, but I’ll take what I can get!
Love, Mommy