I Predict…

I should be careful what I wish for. Remember, just a few hours ago, when I said Carrie was going to start crawling because we’d just told the pediatrician she didn’t yet? Yep. She did. I even caught it on video:

Her first successful crawl was directly for the pedals on the piano. I looked up from my knitting (I was just trying to put another row or two on her poncho) and there she was, crawling away. She practiced all afternoon. I thought babies were supposed to sleep a lot after getting shots? Not this one. She apparently doesn’t like it when we tell people that she can’t do things yet – it just makes her determined to show us that she can!

6 month well-baby visit

Vital stats:
27 weeks, 2 days old
16 lbs.
26.75″ tall

Yet more shots today, which Carrie handed very well. (I’d cry too if someone stuck me twice in each thigh!) Somehow, even though her weight is tracking along the 50th percentile line perfectly, she’s been jumping into higher brackets for height at every appointment. At the last one she was in the 75th, now she’s in the 90th! I’d be very excited for Carrie if she ends up average height. She wouldn’t need to shorten every pair of pants she buys!

Based on the last appointment and all the things she learned to do immediately after we told the pediatrician she didn’t yet, I’m expecting her to accomplish the following this week: crawl, cut a tooth, and start saying “mama” and “dada”. (Actually, if she says “mama” for mothers day, I think my heart might just melt!)

T is for Teddy Bears

I’m working on an alphabet book for Carolyn, made up entirely of pictures. So, for the letter ‘T’ I needed a picture of her with a bunch of teddy bears. These are a couple of the shots I didn’t pick. (It was very hard to pick one, because she was having such a good time all of them came out great!)


In other news, Carolyn is this close -> <- to crawling. She can definitely move forward under her own power, but it's the most inelegant thing I've ever seen. She gets up on her hands and knees, tucks one foot under and pushes off. This causes her opposite shoulder to crash into the floor. Then she gets back up on her hands and knees, tucks the other foot under, and does it again. Lather, rinse and repeat. Believe it or not, this is a very fast way of moving around the room - usually either towards the nearest plastic bag or tote bag with a long strap. Or any other potentially dangerous object.

She’s also starting to get up on her hands and her feet, with her butt sticking way up in the air. According to my mom, I never crawled, I just walked on my hands and feet – but I didn’t do that until I was 10 months old.

Since Carrie’s gaining a lot of height with these new maneuvers, we dropped the crib mattress down yesterday. We probably could have gotten a few more weeks out of the higher level, but why take a chance? It’s actually much easier to get her in there while she’s asleep than I expected it would be. It also puts her right at eye level with the dogs when they’re allowed in her room (which is only under supervision, no need to worry) which makes Carrie very happy!

April Cross Stitch

april_sb.jpgWait…you mean it’s not April anymore? Oops! This little piece really didn’t take very long, but I still didn’t manage to finish it in time to display it. I really ought to start and finish May this week. That’s probably not going to happen, but it’s good to have goals, right?

I’m also still working on Carrie’s poncho. I think there are only about eight more 8-row pattern repeats to do. It looks like it will be finished just in time to put it away for fall! Although, the evenings will still be cool, even during summer, so maybe she’ll get some wear out of it sooner than that.

The thing that’s been distracting me from everything else, though, is a baby carrier that I’m sewing. I’m sort of making it up as I go along, so it’s being a little challenging. I think it might be close to done, though. Once Carrie wakes up from her nap I’m going to try it and see what modifications need to be made. I have enough scraps from the fabric that I think I might make a couple of quilt blocks with some fabric in my stash and turn them into a tote bag/diaper bag/day bag sort of thing. Maybe I’ll even get brave and try to figure out how to add a zipper. (And with the amount of free time I have lately, that will likely be done by the time Carrie’s about 12!)