Squash, Anyone?

Carrie tried squash today. Anyone want to guess whether she liked it or not? I think I could feed this child pureed lima beans and brussels sprouts and she’d eat it happily.

I guess in a few days we’ll start barley cereal, then maybe plums or nectarines. And then she’ll be pretty close to 8 months old so I think I’ll give her some yogurt. It would be nice to have something to mix her fruit into that isn’t cereal for a change.

(Oh, and once I’m sure she likes barley, I’m going to have to mix up some oats, peas, beans and barley and sing this song to her while she eats.)

One thought on “Squash, Anyone?

  • June 8, 2005 at 11:09 am

    Hi Sarah –
    You’ve made it eight months without fearing that you hurt your baby! You’re doing great! I never thought I would stop crying the first time my baby bonked his head.
    I have to say that I also love co-sleeping, but my daughter is now too wiggly for me to get any sleep with her there. She is just as cheerful and sweet in the morning when I get her and bring her back to bed for a first morning snuggle.

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