They are like manna from heaven, apparently. I thought Carrie really liked the Gerber fruit and vegetable puffs we’d been giving her, but Cheerios must be even more yummy. We’ve been giving her a lot more foods and experimenting more with finger foods. She loves to eat. (She’s definitely related to my family!) And with such motivation, she’s become a lot more consistent about signing “more”, although it varies from clapping hands to banging fists and everything in between. I figure if I sign it back to her correctly she’ll eventually get it right.
Let’s see, lately Carrie’s tried blueberries, cherries, zucchini and apricots. Next up? Yellow squash, nectarines, white potatoes, broccoli and maybe some beans. I’m going to step up introductions a bit and only wait 2 days between new foods instead of 3 or 4, because at the rate we’re going she won’t be done trying things until she’s 27. Besides, she’s really becoming intensely interested in what Mommy and Daddy are eating, so sooner or later I’m just going to have to let go of the careful planning and just let her eat anything she wants.