The Great Binky Hunt

The other day we realized that 3 of Carrie’s 6 current binkies are MIA. Since we normally put her down for naps and bed with three binkies (one for her mouth and one for each hand!) this is a critical issue – what happens if another binky goes missing?!? For once in my life my house is actually pretty clean – especially the rooms that Carrie frequents – so there aren’t any obvious places for these binkies to be living. Yesterday Carrie and I went on a binky scavenger hunt, getting on our hands and knees to look under all the furniture, and only came up with one more binky, which was hiding under the couch. There are still two binkies missing.

This morning, we dumped her toy box and diaper bag, and came up with nothing.

Where have all the binkies gone? Did the binky fairy come early to take them away? Maybe the dryer, frustrated by the lack of baby socks to eat (Carrie’s hardly worn socks all summer) has branched out into new territory?

I guess I’ll have to go buy a couple of new binkies today. I’ll certainly find the old ones then, right?