Even Numbered Birthdays Only, Please

Today is Denis’ dad’s 64th birthday (Happy Birthday, Dad!) so we bought a cake to celebrate. In lieu of putting 64 candles on the cake (I was tempted, though) I bought numeral candles. When we went to put the candles away, we discovered that we already had the 0, 2 and 8 candles. (We don’t even remember using the 2 or the 8, although we’re both older than 28, so it must have been for that year?)

Oh, and Denis thinks it’s pretty funny that the first hurricane of the season is named Dennis. Not that hurricanes are laughing matters, of course.

Happy Fourth of July!

Well, we weren’t planning on letting Carrie stay up to watch fireworks, but there was a very local display of them that woke her up anyway. I don’t think she was excited or scared, she was just very sleepy and wondering why we carried her out into the dark night to look at colorful lights. We weren’t close enough for any really loud explosions, although there were quite a few screamers.

This is the second year in a row we’ve had a huge fireworks display visible from our house, and we still can’t figure out who’s doing it – it wasn’t in the newspaper list of all the local displays. Next year I think we’ll just plan on it, and remember to put on bug spray. Carrie seems to have gotten away without bites, but the rest of us were eaten alive.

Between swimming, cooking out and fireworks-watching, I’m totally beat! But it was a very good day.

Look Who’s “Talking”!

Carrie says “ba-ba-ba!”

She started babbling three days ago and hasn’t stopped since. And she’ll “repeat” anything you say, only using “bah”. So, if I say “quack, quack”, she’ll say “bah, bah”. If I say “more?”, she’ll say “bah?”. It’s pretty darn cute.

I keep thinking Carrie can’t possibly get any cuter, and then she does. Every new thing she learns how to do makes her that much more fun to be around!

Signing Time!

We ordered the first three volumes of these Signing Time videos for Carrie and got them in the mail today. I had borrowed the first one from the library for a week, and I swear it’s baby crack – Carrie will crane her neck to watch it if someone is standing in her way, and she cries when it’s over. She even moves her hands around when the kids are signing as though she’s trying to make the signs too.

Especially now that she’s consistently signing “milk”, and attempting to sign “more”, I’m eager to teach her signs for everything. I’d love to know what she’s thinking about, and I’m too impatient to wait for her to talk!

July Cross Stitch

Aha! I finally have one done in time to display for the entire month!


Actually, this is my favorite month so far. I like the muted reds and blues. It’s still patriotic, but it doesn’t scream “I AM A PATRIOTIC CROSS STITCH! LOOK AT ME NOW!” like some patterns I’ve seen.