Um, Thanks?

This exchange happens every time Carrie and I go out, usually more than once:

Complete Stranger: (to Carrie) You’re so beautiful!

me: (to Carrie) Say, “thank you” sweetie.

C.S.: (to me) No, really, she’s beautiful!

me: Thanks!

C.S.: I really mean it, she’s beautiful!

me: Um, thanks. (to Carrie) Wave bye-bye now, we have to go.

I realize that they are most likely sincere, since, well, I do have the most beautiful baby in the world. But a tiny part of me worries about two things. First, am I so ugly that it’s that shocking for me to have a beautiful baby? And second, is this person a stalker?

I’m not a curmudgeon, really, but after the fourth or fifth such exchange in a single shopping trip I’m looking for the Candid Cameras…and for a discreet way out of the store. But then there’s always the cashier to get past…

2 thoughts on “Um, Thanks?

  • July 28, 2005 at 9:27 am

    I once had an older man stop me in Wegmans and say, “Your daughter is beautiful! Now I know why people kidnap babies.” If it wasn’t for the fact that he was about 80 I would have been VERY worried, but it did throw me off for the rest of the trip.

  • August 2, 2005 at 11:49 am

    I think so many people say “What a cute baby” when they don’t mean it, that when they see one that truly is cute… they feel they have to emphasize it.

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