Raspberries and Zorbits

So it may just be something my family made up, but when you blow a raspberry on someone’s skin (like a baby’s tummy, what were you thinking?) we’ve always called it a zorbit. Well, Carrie’s been really good at blowing raspberries for months now, but today she learned how to zorbit. She was sitting in my lap, leaning over my arm to look at something she’d dropped on the floor. For some reason, she put her mouth on my elbow and blew a raspberry. That made her giggle, but then I blew one on her elbow and she about fell off my lap because we were both laughing so hard!

Oh, and Carrie has started intentionally feeding the dogs from her high chair tray. She’ll pick up a Cheerio (or whatever she’s eating) bring it to her mouth like she’s going to eat it, and then look directly at me while she puts her hand over the edge of the tray and drops the food. I’ve been trying very hard to keep a straight face when she does this, because she’s obviously trying to gauge my reaction, but it’s so hard not to laugh because it’s so darn funny. Actually, the other day she snuck food under the tray to Murphy, and I’m pretty sure that was intentional too.

ipod, you pod, we all pod…

If I could only justify a $20 (with shipping) onesie for Carrie. This is the perfect outfit for the daughter of two mac people, don’t you think?

But if I did splurge on it I’d be terrified to let her wear it. This whole self-feeding stage is really, really messy. I don’t even know how she gets food in some of the places I find it after mealtimes…