I think we have an official first word! Today Carolyn demonstrated that not only does she know how to say “llama”, but she knows exactly what it means. If I show her the llama, she’ll say “llama”; if I ask her to find her llama, she’ll go and pick it up.

If you click on the image, it will open up a video (536 KB) of Carrie saying “llama”. She needed a little prompting for this one, she was too fascinated with the camera to care so much about the llama! (Sorry for the poor quality – the battery on the good video camera needs to be charged so I took the video with my cheap digital camera instead.)
Watching Carrie acquire language – both spoken and signed – is simply amazing. (Although it’s probably not as endlessly fascinating to anyone else as it is to me!)
I don’t know about endlessly fascinating ;) but it is pretty darn cute and worth a few repeats of the video. What a sweetie!!