Molly and Murphy say “thank you very much” to all those who sponsored them on their walk. Carrie had a grand time staring at all the doggies, too! It was a perfect warm and sunny day, and the turnout seemed to be really good – I hope they raised a lot to help the shelter out!
I would not say that this was a stroller-friendly event, though. Before we even got out of the parking “lot” – a newly flattened field – I had serious doubts about the whole stroller thing…and by the time we got to the registration tent I realized that it was a huge mistake. If I had known how awful the terrain would be I would definitely have used one of my slings to carry Carrie around in! And the park had no changing facilities in the restrooms. I think I shocked the people walking by when I changed Carrie’s diaper on the grass under a tree, but what was I supposed to do? I guess the “bring your family” part of the invitation really only applied to children old enough to walk who were not in diapers. All I know is, we won’t be doing this event again with a stroller – if we do it next year, when Carrie’s not really old enough to walk so far, maybe one of us will walk with the dogs and the other will wait with Carrie on the playground.