Carrie was feeling much better today – her fever is completely gone, although based on the drooling I’m guessing there’s another tooth on the way – so we stuffed her in her pumpkin costume and I took her to a few houses. I was actually only planning on taking her to three houses, but Carrie really got into the whole trick-or-treating scene. Her favorite part? Ringing the doorbells! After all, doorbells are just large (sometimes even lit!) buttons.
She was really funny about the candy, though. She kept signing “cheese”, because being the lazy mom I am I feed her cheese sticks instead of having to cut a chunk off a brick, so she thinks anything in a metallic wrapper is cheese. And then she wanted to hold it instead of putting it in her little ghost bucket, but that didn’t work so well after two houses. Unfortunately, she does know that there is yummy stuff under those wrappers, since my parents gave her a piece of white chocolate to try. (And apparently the wrapper is equally tasty.) She also got extra candy at most of the houses too, because she’d hear some music and start dancing or just do something particularly cute. Oh, and at the first house we went to she tried to actually go in the house when they opened the door, which was pretty amusing to all involved.
It will be hard to top this Halloween for the best Halloween ever. It was a nice balmy 60°, it didn’t rain, and it was so much fun to take my baby trick-or-treating!