What Kind Of Sock Are You?

Apparently, I really like socks. Which reminds me…I really need to knit myself another pair or two…

Super long sock
Wow! You would have been a pair of socks as long
as it’s possible for socks to be before they’re
tights – and all multi-coloured with pretty
patterns and detail all over the place – then
you could stand and admire your sock-self all

What type of sock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Early Trick Or Treat

Here’s a fun virtual pumpkin carving game. Two warnings: it has music and sound, so don’t play it at work, and this is not for individuals with weak constitutions. By clicking on the link above, you agree not to hold me responsible for anything that might result. Yadda, yadda…oh, and yadda.

Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie

20050930_applepicking.jpgWhoever’s not ready, holler “I”!

I never did post about our apple picking adventure last Friday. Carrie and I met up with Lisa, Henry and Sammy. We picked an unbelievable number of apples – I ended up giving half the ones I picked to my parents and I still, almost a week later, have a lot of apples. And we’ve been eating them daily, too!

Next time I think a wagon might be a good thing to have. Lisa was slinging Sammy and I was slinging Carrie and we were each hauling a bag of apples which weighed about 5 pounds. Needless to say, the walk back from the far end of the orchard was sloooow.

But the kids had a fantastic time. There are pictures to prove it!


Today I read Carrie at least 40 books. She brings one over to wherever I’m sitting, and when I take it she raises her arms to be picked up, settles into my lap and waits for me to read to her. It’s so sweet it makes my breath catch. And then, when we’re done reading the book, she signs “more”. Sometimes we read the same book 4 or 5 times before she tires of it and goes to get another. If we’re reading “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, and I don’t help her put her finger in all the holes in the foods, she grabs my hand to remind me that I’m supposed to be doing that. And I love it when we read books about dogs and she signs “dog” every time she hears me say the word.

The thing I find amazing is when Carrie digs through a pile of books to find two specific ones for me to read at bedtime or first thing in the morning – it’s part of those two “routines” to read two stories. She’s pretty good at only picking two, I guess because it’s one for each hand. And they’re not always the same two – she obviously knows specifically which books she wants to hear and recognizes the covers.

I love that I have a little bookworm on my hands, and I can’t wait until I can share all the wonderful books I read when I was young with her!

October Cross-Stitch


Not much to say – this one was pretty cute to stitch, if you don’t count the spiders. Ugh. It’s a sad testament to how terrified of spiders I really am that it made my skin crawl to cross-stitch them. This was ready to be picked up from the framers two weeks ago but I just managed to get to the shop today. I also signed up for a class while I was there, for a needlepoint of falling leaves. (I need another project at the moment like I need a hole in the head, but the class isn’t until mid-November.)

Now to get November’s done. It’s on dark green fabric and it’s making me cross-eyed!

Challenging Update

The September Challenge is over, and the October Challenge has begun! So how did I do on my September goals? Let’s see:

  • Finish the ladybug sweater – possibly including knitting the matching hat. The sweater is done, the hat is cast on.
  • Finish Devan – again, possibly including knitting a matching hat and/or socks. The sweater and socks are done. The hat is awaiting the needles currently being used for the ladybug hat.
  • Start and finish the October cross-stitch Done!
  • Finish embroidering the felt Christmas ornaments I started way back when. Done!
  • And if I can find yarn for it, I really want to make a Jayne hat (or two?) for the premiere of Serenity. Done!

The October challenge is a little different – we’re supposed to pick one “scary” project from our UFO pile and finish that. Here’s mine: the blanket poncho from heck. I can’t decide what to do with it, though – see the project page for my options. And I do have several other goals for this month:

  • Finish the ladybug hat
  • Finish the Devan hat
  • Start and finish the November cross-stitch
  • Finish a scarf I started last January
  • Make a small birthday gift
  • Make a dent in the Christmas projects

So…the chances of finishing my scary project are sort of small – but the list is scary, so that counts, right?



Molly and Murphy say “thank you very much” to all those who sponsored them on their walk. Carrie had a grand time staring at all the doggies, too! It was a perfect warm and sunny day, and the turnout seemed to be really good – I hope they raised a lot to help the shelter out!

I would not say that this was a stroller-friendly event, though. Before we even got out of the parking “lot” – a newly flattened field – I had serious doubts about the whole stroller thing…and by the time we got to the registration tent I realized that it was a huge mistake. If I had known how awful the terrain would be I would definitely have used one of my slings to carry Carrie around in! And the park had no changing facilities in the restrooms. I think I shocked the people walking by when I changed Carrie’s diaper on the grass under a tree, but what was I supposed to do? I guess the “bring your family” part of the invitation really only applied to children old enough to walk who were not in diapers. All I know is, we won’t be doing this event again with a stroller – if we do it next year, when Carrie’s not really old enough to walk so far, maybe one of us will walk with the dogs and the other will wait with Carrie on the playground.