Spring Cleaning?!?

With a munchkin in the house, detailed cleaning tasks have pretty much not happened at all – it’s amazing if we can keep up with the laundry, vacuuming and dishes on a regular basis, forget about dusting or cleaning windows. So with Carrie’s party coming up we’ve been trying to focus a bit on the details. I just cleaned out a windowsill with an ungodly number of dead moths and stuff and I’m going to have nightmares forever about it. (Well, OK, maybe not, but it was gross!)

What on earth was I thinking, inviting a gazillion people to my house, planning to make all the food and the cake myself?!? Thankfully, Lisa’s helping with the cake! I have a plan in place for the food, but it’s pretty dependent on finding a good variety of recipes for those wrap sandwiches you cut into rounds – like these. Anyone have any other good combos they like?

And I’m starting to come to the conclusion that cleaning the windows is a lost cause. They’re so dirty on the outside, and there’s absolutely no chance that I’m going to be able to get up on a ladder and deal with that anytime soon. Maybe I’ll just put a bunch of those window clings all over them so no one notices…

OK, back to cleaning!

2 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning?!?

  • October 10, 2005 at 8:22 pm

    Sarah, for this one time, do you think you might hire one of those house cleaners that clean on the outside, just to give you some peace of mind, and to clean the parts of your house you can’t get to?
    I thought of doing that for my yard, hire yardmen to do a once over, just once, and then, I could take over from there*:D Although the yard is not super huge, it’s really too much work for me to do by myself.

  • October 11, 2005 at 11:04 pm

    Kudos to you for doing a full-blown party with a gazillion people. Brogan would be getting a party of two (him and I) if I had my way but I do feel like I should invite my mom and my sister, BIL, niece, and nephew over too (my brother and dad are out of the country). There won’t be any fuss or anything but there will be cake!

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