Dear Carolyn,
Today you are one year old! I can’t believe how quickly this year has flown by, and I’m torn between feeling sad that my baby is growing up so fast and feeling excited about seeing the little person you’re becoming.

(Click the picture to see Carrie and her bear at 1 month old.)
The changes this month have been more subtle than in past months. You’re becoming a lot more independent and adventurous, and you want to do things you maybe can’t quite do yet, but you really want to do them yourself and will get upset if anyone tries to help you. Now that you’ve mastered walking, you’re working on climbing. You’ve managed to get up on the coffee table once already, and you love to climb in and out of kid-sized chairs. Unfortunately, you also love to stand in kid-sized chairs, and have fallen and bumped your head a few times.
Now you have two teeth, and we brush them every night. First I take a turn, then you get your toothbrush to chew on for a bit. You’re loving your “big girl” bath, in the regular old tub, especially since we got a duck tub mat and some duck tile appliques for the walls. You love to point to them and sign “dog”. (We keep trying to tell you that “duck” and “dog” sound a lot alike but are different words – and signs – but you insist that they’re dogs.)
Hm, let’s see, what new foods have you tried this month? Definitely salmon, kale, chick peas, cranberries and chocolate. At this point, everything you eat is something we’re eating for dinner, unless we’re having chicken. You hate chicken. And anything chicken broth-based. I’m starting to think that my complete aversion to chicken while I was pregnant with you was because you don’t like it. I imagine you’ll at least learn to tolerate it someday. In the meantime, you get plenty of protein from cheese, turkey, beans and fish. Oh, and I discovered “pea butter” a few weeks ago, so some days I have my regular old PB&J for lunch, and you get PeaB&J for your lunch. This has cut down on how often you beg for my sandwich which you can’t eat yet.
You have some news signs this month: “water”, “read”, “bear”, “bunny”, “butterfly”, “moon” and “star”. (Some of these, admittedly, are very similar – in fact, “bear”, “bunny” and “butterfly” look exactly the same, so you sign it and then point to what you’re “talking” about.) So that brings us to, what, 16 signs? And you sign two-word sentences, like “more cheese” and “read dog” (to hear a book about a dog.) No new spoken words yet, but you’re working on your “s” and “sh” sounds. You really love socks and shoes and try out those sounds whenever you see them, so I think you’ll get those words soon! Sometimes it really sounds like you’re trying to swear. Since Daddy and I really watch our language around you, though, I’m pretty sure you’re just talking about shoes!
We had a big birthday party for you a couple of days ago, and you had a great time. Tonight we just had a little celebration, and I made your favorites: turkey, green beans and sweet potatoes. Instead of a cake I bought a pumpkin roll for you to try – we’re a little “caked out”, and you have another big birthday party this weekend, so I figured it would be ok. You loved it so much you were actually licking the plate! I hate to tell you, but while you were licking the front of your plate, Molly was licking the back of it. I really wish we’d gotten that on video! And then when you were all done with your cake you tried to eat my piece too. I’m glad you like pumpkin so much, because you’re my little pumpkin. (You’re going to hate me someday when you read this!) Oh, and we got you a book and a doll for your birthday. The first thing you did was drop your doll on her head and step on her. Poor dolly!

You’re definitely making the transition from baby girl to little girl, and while I miss the baby I’m loving the little girl you’re becoming. I’m sure someday I’m going to see you with your own little girl and wonder where the time went. In the meantime, I guess I’d better try to enjoy every single minute I have with my little girl. I love you, Carrie.
Love, Mommy
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How Fun! I remember feeling (and still do) the same way, sad and excited about a growing baby. They are so much fun! She is so cute! In her defense there is a breed of dog that has Duck in it’s name :-)….can’t think of it right now…..
Good for you for finishing the cake! I was going to do a Dora one that doesn’t sound as complicated but gave up after I found out there were 12 different colors! Yikes, that woulda taken a bit of time that I of course did allow for.
Happy Birthday, Carrie!