Thank You!

I’m in the midst of writing thank you notes for Carrie’s birthday gifts. I feel badly that it takes me so long, because I don’t want people to think I don’t appreciate every last gift. But first I had to wait to get the custom photo cards we ordered, and now I’m hand-writing all of them – including the envelopes. I really don’t know how people manage to get them out as quickly as they do: I’ve received hand-written thank you notes (not on custom cards, though) within 2 days of giving someone a gift – at a party, so it’s not like that was the only thank you note they wrote. Am I just pathetically slow? It takes me an average of 10 minutes to write out each card, and that’s with (I’m blushing to admit this) “pre-writing” them on my computer – because it takes me at least that long to know what to say and how to phrase it, and I’d go through twice as many notecards if I just tried to write them cold.

I suck at writing thank you notes.

(And I feel especially guilty about these taking so long because not everyone was able to stay long enough at the parties to watch Carrie open her gifts, so we didn’t even get to thank them in person.)

It’s A Challenge

I totally blew my October challenge goals. The only one I managed to finish was the small birthday gift, which I just realized I never even took a picture of! (It was a cute little pink scarf for my 6-year-old niece.)

Now we’re on to the holiday challenge, though, and this one I really can’t ignore. I have (if I’m counting right, I think I’m missing one or two) 19 different projects – ranging from dishcloths to quilts – to make before, let’s say, December 15th. I think I have to be totally insane. But at least there’s no birthday party to interfere with the crafting insanity. (Just birthday party thank you notes that still need to be written!)