Santa, along with everyone else, apparently thought Carrie was a very good girl this year, judging by the carnage on Christmas morning! I don’t even think I can list all the things she received without forgetting something! There were clothes and pajamas, musical instruments, legos, bath toys, Little People, books, CDs, puzzles, DVDs… Carrie has a lot of people who love to spoil her! I am also now an expert on which toy brands have the most obnoxious packaging. (Fisher Price is the absolute worst, with Leap Frog a close second.)
By far the largest gift that Carrie opened was from my parents. For a week now we haven’t been allowed in their house on account of the “pony” they had gotten for Carrie, which was residing in their living room. The “pony” turned out to be one of those indoor/outdoor playhouses, which Carrie absolutely adores. It has a realistic-looking and sounding phone, a working doorbell, shutters and a door to open and close. We’re already planning to add a light, some curtains and a rug, and I’m going to use a Toys ‘R’ Us gift card she got for her birthday on some dishes and play food for it. Now we just need to find some space for it in our house!