Here’s a funny story…
Christmas Eve, at my Grandparents’ house, we were all sitting around eating my mom’s birthday cake:

OK, back to the topic at hand! My mom and my aunt were talking about some of the old crafts they used to do, including weaving. My mom has a huge floor loom and my aunt has a table loom – both have gone unused for many years. Anyway, at some point in the conversation I mentioned to my dad about how, someday, I’d love to have a small loom to play with. He got this funny smirk on his face, and I figured he probably thought I needed another hobby like I need a hole in my head.
Fast forward to the next morning – a.k.a. Christmas.
Guess what was wrapped up under their tree?
A (used, of course, but that makes it more special) Leclerc Dorothy table loom! It’s an older model, with a 15″ weaving area, and it has four shafts. As of right this minute it’s warped (that only took about forever) and ready to go. Tomorrow I get to weave something! (I would be right now except that the loom is still in my parents’ living room, since I’ve needed to ask my mom for help just about every five minutes.)
I’m all awash in the possibilities of this new craft. What can I weave in 15″? Scarves, placemats, doll blankets? What else?