Yes, I Am A Bad Mom

I am so tired of being told that Carrie doesn’t speak yet because we’ve taught her to sign. I’ve lost track, because she’s learned so many this past week, but I can count at least 40 signs that she knows and uses regularly. Sometimes she’ll just sign them, sometimes she’ll sign and point to whatever she’s talking about (if I don’t get it the first couple of times) and sometimes she’ll sign it in response to me saying a word – it’s really cute when you ask her to say “cheese” for the camera and she signs “cheese”. In fact, there are signs I’ve never used with her that she’s picked up off of our Signing Time videos.

I really think she wouldn’t be talking if we hadn’t signed with her, and she’d just be a much more frustrated child because she wouldn’t be able to communicate at all. Because she can sign, she only has tantrums when we don’t let her hold the paper ketchup cup at Wendy’s herself, instead of having tantrums over wanting a banana instead of grapes with breakfast and not being able to tell us.

But I keep having to “defend” my choice to teach her sign to various family members, acquaintances, complete strangers, and even health professionals. Seriously. Just stop, people! I already know I’m a bad mom, so just keep your opinions to yourself! I swear, next time someone asks I’m just going to say that fill-in-the-blank family member is deaf, so we’re teaching her to sign so she can communicate with that person. Oh, and she speaks clearly and in complete sentences, except around people she doesn’t like!

4 thoughts on “Yes, I Am A Bad Mom

  • December 9, 2005 at 3:05 am

    I was always unsure by what you meant when you said ‘sign’. I think I understand better now. I don’t think you’re a bad mum – I always thought that children learnt to speak through listening to the people around them. I’m sure Carrie will speak when she wants to, and not a minute before :)

  • December 9, 2005 at 10:24 pm

    I think she’s lucky to be learning a second language from the start. How did you learn? Signing is something I’ve always wanted to learn-and Spanish , too, inmy spare time! My second son didn’t talk much till he was two-just a couple of words. The first, before he was 1. Everybody’s different! These people are justjealous she is so smart with the signing!
    I think you’re a wonderful mother. And Carrie is a sweetheart.

  • December 10, 2005 at 2:40 am

    I think baby signing is just the coolest thing, because it MAKES sense. I’ll be doing it with my future kids, for sure.
    You’re doing just fine! The baby is happy, healthy, mobile, communicating, and adorable to boot!
    Hey…did you hear that? You’re doing JUST FINE.

  • December 11, 2005 at 9:15 pm

    Brogan doesn’t sign OR talk and he’s only a month younger than Carrie. Signing has absolutely no affect on speech. Go Carrie!!

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