Molly and Murphy are thrilled that it’s the year of the dog!

I’m not so sure they were thrilled that Carrie was petting them, but she was certainly happy about it. And in the background are the results of our weekend project. You see that nice cushiony plaid thing where a hearth should be? We made a frame to go over the hearth, glued on some high density foam, and then upholstered it. It’s a whole lot better than having that slab of concrete sticking out in the middle of the room, and Carrie now thinks it’s her very own couch. (I think I need to get a couple of bolster pillows for up against the brick, though.) The nice part is that it just fits right over the hearth, so if we ever wanted to put a fire in the fireplace we can easily remove it, but it’s too heavy and snug-fitting to be easily moved by a toddler.