Target has a fantastic new toy aisle! They have some great wooden toys, including some kitchen stuff/play food that I hope is still there in a year or so – Carrie’s still a bit young for it. They also had some “critter chairs”. My mom had pointed these out to me on the Pottery Barn Kids site, but $100 is way too rich for my blood! The ones at Target? $30. I still wasn’t actually going to buy one, because I didn’t really think I could justify it, but how on earth was I supposed to pass up this blue puppy?!?

It was so cute when we put it in the living room – Carrie can’t decide if it’s a chair or a dog, so she alternated between sitting on it and kissing it on the nose. And then she dragged it into her playhouse, where it takes up almost all the available floor space. She sat on it and babbled on her phone, drank from her teacups, and then stood up and kissed it on the nose. I think she likes it.