We went to a Superbowl party tonight, but left at halftime so we could get Carrie to bed. Obviously, I missed a lot of the commercials, but of the ones I saw my favorite is definitely the streaker sheep Budweiser commercial. There was a prize for most unique appetizer at the party, and I won with this:

The igloo is made out of a cream cheese and feta blend, and there’s a layer of pesto hidden inside. The penguins are made out of olives, cream cheese and carrots. They were a lot more fiddly than I expected they would be, mainly because it’s really hard to squeeze cold cream cheese through a decorating tip! I found the idea and recipe in the 2006 Wilton Idea Book.

Carrie had fun wandering around and generally acting cute. She rooted for the Bills, of course. It always amazes me when she just sort of fits in around people. As long as strangers don’t rush right up to her and try to pull her out of my arms, she warms up to them really quickly, and had a lot of fun being picked up and tickled by everyone. All this despite it being close to bedtime. Somehow we lucked out and ended up with a really easy-going child!