Yesterday I was so sick. I had one of those headaches where you feel like if you turn your head too quickly your brain just sort of sloshes around in your skull, and it was making me really nauseous. I’ve never had a hangover before, but if I had to guess what it feels like that would be it.
I felt like the worst mother ever, too. Carrie kept throwing books in my lap and I’d read them and she’d sign “again”, and I’d read them again, and then finally my head hurt so much she signed “book again mommy” and even followed it up with “please” and I had to say “no more books, watch T.V. instead.” (At least it was Blue’s Clues and Signing Time, and not Oprah or whatever is normally on TV in the middle of the day.)
And then I had a rehearsal for the musical and I drank a 20-oz. caffeinated bottle of soda out of desperation when the ibuprofin didn’t help. It worked, but I was up until after 1 – that was the most caffeine I’ve had in one day in over two years. Luckily Carrie slept in until 9. Unluckily, that means my sleep schedule is now completely off and I’m not tired enough to go to bed.